Dr. Christopher Zed is a dental surgeon and the owner of Bayview Lonsdale Dental.
Dentistry is an oft-overlooked field of medicine, but Dr. Christopher Zed wants to help change that. Throughout his 25 years in the dental field, Dr. Zed has seen the impact that dentistry has on overall health. Poor dental health can lead to various overall health conditions, and Dr. Zed wants to help his patients and others understand the risks of not caring for their dental well-being.
Dr. Christopher Zed takes an approach of education first at his practice, Bayview Lonsdale Dental, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Perhaps influenced by his years of teaching at The University of British Columbia, Dr. Zed hopes to help each patient understand what they are experiencing with their dental health, as well as the options available to help them prevent and treat their conditions. To Dr. Zed, helping patients understand the full scope of their health is vital to their success.
While there are a vast number of places online to find information about various medical conditions, treatments, and diagnoses, there are far fewer sources for dental health care. Here, Dr. Zed plans to shine a light on the many dental practices that do not get enough attention from the average person. Patients, both his own and other dentists’, can learn about everything from gum disease to imaging to fluoride treatments. Although it is not necessary for people to be experts in dentistry in order to make smart decisions about their dental health, Dr. Zed wants to provide as much information as possible to those who do wish to learn more.
Dr. Christopher Zed has spent several decades in the field of dentistry. Previously, he was a Clinical Professor at UBC, as well as Chief of Dentistry at Vancouver General Hospital. Now, he is a Dental Surgeon at his practice, while also holding the role of Principal Associate at Apna Dental Vancouver and Delta. He has published numerous peer-reviewed articles on a variety of subjects, including oral cancer and community dentistry. Dr. Zed has also served as the Olympic Chief of Dentistry for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. While in this role, he spoke about the necessity of proper dental care for athletes.
When not at work or writing educational content, Dr. Zed spends time with his family and participates in a plethora of activities. Some of his favorites include cooking, wine tasting, outdoor activities of all kinds, and watching the Seahawks. He is also an avid backgammon and cribbage player.